Terms and conditions of use of Tripeez - Personal commitment - Regulations

People looking for a lift using the Tripeez application are referred to as "Trippers".
Drivers using the Tripeez application are referred to as "Trippists".
The journey is referred to as a "Trip".
Application = “App”.

As a "Tripper", I undertake to:
1. Never get into a car
- driven by a person who is not a "TRIPEEZ" member
- driven by a person who refuses to identify himself and exchange contact details via the app
- driven by a person who refuses to use the app for the trip
- driving by a person who refuses to share costs in the manner provided for and by means of our app
- being driven by someone under the influence of alcohol or drugs
- being driven by someone who makes inappropriate proposals to me

If I get into a car and ignore these warnings, I am fully aware that I am taking several risks, in particular :
* the risk of meeting someone unknown to our application who could be malicious
* the risk of not being followed by our application
* the risk of not arriving at the desired location
* the risk of being diverted from my route
* paying a higher sum than that set by our app

As a "Trippist", I undertake to :
1. Never carry in my car
- a person who is not a "TRIPEEZ" member
- a person who refuses to identify himself and exchange contact details via the app
- a person who refuses to use the app for the Trip
- a person who refuses to share costs in the manner provided and using our app
- someone who is under the influence of alcohol or drugs
- someone who makes inappropriate proposals to me
2. never use this application for commercial gain
3. drive with due care and respect for the highway code

If I transport someone in a car and ignore these warnings, I am fully aware that I am taking several risks:
* the risk of meeting someone unknown to our application who could be malicious
* the risk of not being followed by our app
* not being paid or being paid less than the amount specified by the application
* paying tax on the financial income generated by Tripeez
* causing an accident for which I will be held responsible

As a Trippist or Tripper, I know that if I deviate from these basic rules, I am taking these risks with full knowledge of the facts and I will have to bear the consequences personally without any recourse against Tripeez or Pressinvest.

Caution, driving, behaviour, getting in and out of the car, end of journey
As a Tripper or Trippist, I know that relationships between app members are based on mutual trust.
As a Tripper, I undertake to:
- position myself or stop in a safe, secure and well-lit area
- use Tripeez for the entire "Trip" (evaluation of the cost of the Trip, creation of the Tripper/Trippist pair via the TRIP CODE, driving to the destination, check-in at the end of the journey, transfer of money)
- ensure that there is enough space for a vehicle to stop
- ensure that stopping does not hinder the progress of other vehicles
- always get in and out on the pavement side
- when getting out, not open the doors without looking to see if a vehicle is approaching
- not to forget my belongings in the car (bag, phone, glasses, etc.)
- be polite and respectful in all respects
- not smoke, drink or take drugs, or wear headphones or earphones
- produce my documents in the event of a police check
- wear my seatbelt
- share conversation or music in a consensual and friendly manner to ensure good relations in the passenger compartment and to avoid any drowsiness on the part of the driver.
- behave in a pleasant, benevolent and traffic-aware manner to help the Trippist if necessary
- give Trippists a rating and a comment after each trip so that we can build a community of trust and weed out members who behave inappropriately

These are personal commitments based on mutual trust. I understand that it is impossible for Tripeez to verify the various points of my commitment.

As a Trippist , I undertake :
- to position myself or stop in a safe, secure and well-lit area
- to use Tripeez for the entire "Trip" (evaluation of the cost of the Trip, creation of the Tripper/Trippist pair via the TRIP CODE, driving to the destination, check-in at the end of the journey, transfer of money)
- to check there is enough space for a vehicle to stop
- to check that stopping the vehicle in no way hinders the progress of other vehicles
- to be polite and respectful in all respects
- not to smoke, drink or take drugs, or wear headphones or earphones while driving
- to stop and show my documents in the event of a police check
- to share conversation or music in a consensual and friendly manner to ensure good relations in the passenger compartment and to avoid drowsiness.
- to use my own car or a car that I am authorised to use, to hold a valid driving license, to have insurance covering the vehicle and its passengers, whoever they may be, and third parties, to hold the vehicle registration certificate and to have paid the various road taxes and registration fees, to drive with due care and respect for the highway code, not to drive tired without taking a break, and not to have any contraindication to driving or medical incapacity
- not to transport babies if my car does not have a suitable seat
- to offer a car that is clean and in perfect working order, fitted with safety belts and with an up-to-date and faultless MOT, to offer a tidy car with sufficient space for the occupants and any luggage they may have, and not to take more passengers than the maximum capacity authorised by the vehicle manufacturer.
- not to use Tripeez for financial gain
- to give Trippers a rating and a comment after each trip in order to create a trusted community and to keep out members who behave inappropriately
- to agree to Tripeez taking a percentage of the amount paid by the Tripper.
These are personal commitments based on mutual trust. I understand that it is impossible for Tripeez to verify the various points of my commitment.

Using the Tripeez app in no way guarantees your safety, but it does help to limit risks thanks to the fact that users are known, identified and have been appreciated by other users.
In the event of a problem, we will be able to track down the various parties involved and take appropriate action.
You also have a help/emergency button that will put you in contact with our services and/or the police.
A word of warning, as a Tripper or Trippist,
I am aware that I am travelling in the car of someone I do not know.
I am aware that a traffic accident is possible.
I am aware that I am travelling at my own risk and that I am not covered by any insurance other than my own or the Trippist's third-party liability insurance.
Tripeez and Pressinvest decline all responsibility in the event of accidents, incidents of any kind or inappropriate behaviour on the part of users.
As a result, Tripeez and Pressinvest cannot be held responsible for any action, event, incident, accident, etc., or for the consequences of any such action, event, incident, accident, etc., occurring during the use of the app and the Trips made using it.
I therefore refrain from taking any legal action against Pressinvest, Tripeez and/or its representatives.

Car sharing and hitchhiking are legal and authorised activities.
I am aware that "TRIPEEZ" is not a taxi app, that it is reserved for non-professional passenger transport drivers and for people wishing to go from one place to another at a lower cost for private journeys. It is therefore a simple sharing of expenses that is not taxable. However, it is possible that the laws may change for the worse. If this were to happen, Trippists would have to pay any taxes levied by the various countries. Tripeez and Pressinvest can never be held responsible for any tax repercussions on users of the app.
Tripeez and Pressinvest cannot be held responsible for the accidental or voluntary non-payment of a journey made by a Tripper to a Trippist. Whether this non-payment is due to the deliberate intention of the Tripper or to a computer malfunction, Trippists may under no circumstances ask Tripeez to make this payment. It goes without saying that Tripeez will take the necessary steps to recover this unpaid sum and pay it to the Trippists who have suffered losses.

TRIPEEZ reserves the right to block and exclude any Trippist or Tripper who does not respect all the points of these rules and general conditions.
Users agree to their names being shared on social media, emailed to third parties and published on the www.tripeez.com website in order to ensure mutual security.

I agree with all the points of these rules and as a Trippist or Tripper, I know that if I deviate from these basic rules, I am taking these risks with full knowledge of the facts and I will have to bear the consequences personally without any recourse being able to be brought against Tripeez or Pressinvest.
I acknowledge that I have read and accept these general conditions of use.

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